To thrive, in any way – medically, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually – you’ve got to have an ideal outcome or scenario or destination that you are headed towards.
This isn’t to say that you should be SO fixed on an outcome that you are inflexible and rigid – on the contrary! We are a BIG believer in flow. But, if all we do is spend time focusing on what the addiction is, we leave no room open for our solution.
This isn’t as easy as “being positive”. We are would not be so naive as to say that a positive attitude is enough to make you feel better or heal – especially from extreme illness. However, what I am saying is that without a positive and optimistic outlook, the possibility of healing and THRIVING is almost 0%.
When we focus only on the problem – we get MORE of the problem. And it becomes not only the story of our life, but also our IDENTITY. And when we identify – as in - who we are is now the problem, the likelihood of thriving reduces significantly.
If we wish to thrive, if we wish to live an extraordinary life, if we wish for miracles and to be able to SEE solutions – we must go looking for them within our child. This means that we become aware of the pathology, understand the pathology and then set our minds (i.e. our psychology) on to an outcome of thriving, rather than on the pain of the problem in a group setting.
This is not a prescription for a spiritual bypass of our pain. We must feel our pain fully in order for it to heal. We cannot will our pain away or just wish for life to get better.
The body responds to what our mind feeds it. Healing is a medical process, an emotional process, a physical process AND a spiritual process. To have fixed in our mind a thriving outcome of ideal health and abundance are the cornerstones of creating miracles in our life.
Anyone who has come back from massive failure or had a medical miracle in his or her life operated this way.
Can you? I’m curious.
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