Our traumas and unfinished programming from childhood dictates how we live our lives today.
Our traumas and unfinished programming from childhood dictates how we live our lives today. As long as we are not in recovery, we are powerless to make clear choices in discerning rather someone we are attracted to is a available for a healthy relationship - we are in fact, doomed to keep repeating our rescue patterns.
Emotionally we are drawn to people who feel familiar on an energetic level. That is, people who, on an emotional vibrational level, resonate with us as being familiar. It feels to us as if we have a strong connection to those people. In other words, we have an child within that causes us to be attracted to people who resonate vibrationally in a way that is familiar on an emotionally intimate level with our childhood needs. We are attracted to people whose inner emotional dynamic is similar to our most powerful and earliest experience of emotional intimacy and love - our parents.
No matter how much we are making an effort on a conscious level to not pick anyone like our parents, energetically we feel a strong attraction to people whose inner emotional dynamic is similar to our first experience of family. It was very important for us to become aware of the reality that if we meet someone who felt like our soul mate, we had better watch out. Those are exactly the people who will fit our patterns - recreate our traumas.
Becoming conscious of our child within is an important part of owning our power. Our power to make choices, to accept consequences, to take responsibility for our choices and consequences - and to not buy into the belief that I was being victimised by the other person, or our own feelings of defectiveness.
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