Stageology & The Intulexia Paradime

Ten Stage study with Stageology


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: One of the fundamental messages is that we are not victims, but a co-creator of our life with our child hidden within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The most important part of life, and the only part of life that we can truly control, is our perception. We may have influence over othe...
The most important part of life, and the only part of life that we can truly control, is our perception. We may have influence over other parts of our life, but the only thing we have 100% control over is how we CHOOSE to perceive the events of our lives.

One of the fundamental messages is that we are not victims, but a co-creator of our life with our child hidden within.

It’s easy to play the victim, and a lot of people out there will try to convince you that it’s easier to blame other people for the circumstances of our lives. One of the reasons it’s easy to be a victim is because we have given away the response-ability of the outcome and circumstances of life to our child within.

As a victim, we tell ourselves that it’s not our fault; it’s the government’s fault, or our significant other's fault, or our friend’s fault or our parents’ fault. If you really get creative you can imagine a whole range of people to blame for our life.

But the truth is that we imagine we are the one making the choices in our life. We imagine that YOU have the free will and ability to CHOOSE to connect to Recovery, or not. You dont your responses have been hijacked into dissociations of food, romance,others greed, alcohol and drugs.

 For a long time it was easy to blame people for the outcomes of our lives. When things didn’t go the way we WANTED them to we would just make it someone else’s fault.

  To learn how to take my power back. Is to start to understand our childhoods we begin to see that the way we thrive is by making our Child withins INNER WORLD stronger than the outer world.

 Our childhood history we tell ourself about our life will dictate the outcome of it. Contact is the most important power in our life.  The power of our INTENTION forms the outcome of our life.  The Stages will tell you to put loving-kindness first and to keep our lives grounded and in real time.  And of course, the stages teaches unconditional compassion and says we can experience this child withins intuitive thought when we have right truthful thoughts, take right action and keep our focus off of ourselves and keep it instead on our rediscovered intuitive thoughts.

How could we possibly let ourself become a victim knowing all these things?

If you really get that these lessons are REAL and TRUE and WORK, then, if you’re like me, you will feel called to turn your childhood experiences into a message.

Adding understanding to other people’s lives and understanding will be added to our own.  Being of service and taking the wounds of our Child Within and turning them into lessons and sharing our experience with others will do more good to your understanding of yourself than almost anything else.

To become human is to be messy, to screw up and to not get it right - that just comes with the territory. But it’s not right thought or action to assume the role of the childhood victim. It may seem safer and it may even seem true. But what’s true is that you can take the wounds, messes and tragedies of your life and use them for good.

You can take your power back from people, groups and anything else that says you are powerless. You are POWERFUL, but you have to choose to be in your power and to step up.

Keep your thoughts on Loving-Kindness. Take and assume response-ability for your life. Things will have happened in your past that you have no control over. But what you DO have control over is to learn how you need to respond to those childhood events.

You will not have been able to control what happened in the past, but you will gain 100% control over what you CHOOSE to believe and, as a result, where you go from here.

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