Stageology & The Intulexia Paradime

Ten Stage study with Stageology


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Do we put off our recovery life until sometime in the future?
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Do we put off our recovery life until sometime in the future? Do we ever think in, "If, then" type of thinking? Or "once th...

Do we put off our recovery life until sometime in the future?

Do we ever think in, "If, then" type of thinking? Or "once this happens, then We'll be happy?"

If we're delaying our recovery and our joy for "one day" we are living on our event horizon, rather than living here and now.

Event Horizon living will leave us feeling like we're always chasing a carrot that we never quite get.

The good life is "out there" beyond the present moment, close enough for us to see it, but not close enough for it to be ours.

If we've are living for our event horizon, we'll never really step into happiness, live our purpose or get the most out of our life.

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