Stageology & The Intulexia Paradime

Ten Stage study with Stageology


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that different fragments of ourselves have lived at different stages...
When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that
When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that

When we join the stages study course we often come to the realisation that different fragments of ourselves have lived at different stages...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Many, of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Many, of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues. “If only we weren’t so needy!” “If on...
Many, of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues.
Many, of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues.

Many, of us feel repulsion initially toward our Child Within and blame him or her for our issues. “If only we weren’t so needy!” “If on...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Trying to make friends with your false self is like trying to have a genuine relationship with a narcissist. You will only be dancing with your devil.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our constructed exterior self is NOT our Child Within. Our self is the part of ourselves that has formed as a defence mechanism to avoid...
Trying to make friends with your false self is like trying to have a genuine relationship with a narcissist. You will only be dancing with your devil.
Trying to make friends with your false self is like trying to have a genuine relationship with a narcissist. You will only be dancing with your devil.

Our constructed exterior self is NOT our Child Within. Our self is the part of ourselves that has formed as a defence mechanism to avoid...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages is difficult to grasp at first.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
 Everyone faces a period of disbelief which is acknowledged faced discussed in the facing of the full reality of recovery at the stages....
The Ten Stages is difficult to grasp at first.
The Ten Stages is difficult to grasp at first.

 Everyone faces a period of disbelief which is acknowledged faced discussed in the facing of the full reality of recovery at the stages....

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Grief in the Ten Stages is not one-dimensional
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Grief in the Ten Stages is not one-dimensional: It manifests as a jumble of intense emotions. Dealing with grief is not a linear prog...
Grief in the Ten Stages is not one-dimensional
Grief in the Ten Stages is not one-dimensional

Grief in the Ten Stages is not one-dimensional: It manifests as a jumble of intense emotions. Dealing with grief is not a linear prog...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state, We will begin to be the Bes...
When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state
When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state

When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state, We will begin to be the Bes...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: we will listen to God in meditation and not be able to realise that I’m ignoring the deepest and most basic essences of our souls the buried child within us.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
At the beginning we recognise that we have become masters of dissociation . We are still clinging to a philosophy and a self concept that ...
we will listen to God in meditation and not be able to realise that I’m ignoring the deepest and most basic essences of our souls the buried child within us.
we will listen to God in meditation and not be able to realise that I’m ignoring the deepest and most basic essences of our souls the buried child within us.

At the beginning we recognise that we have become masters of dissociation . We are still clinging to a philosophy and a self concept that ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: This has become our crazy making scenario that we have inherited and have the expectation that it will work in adult life it wont.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
With self-reflection on the totality of all on where our acting out behaviour might has come from that is, acknowledgement that our distur...
This has become our crazy making scenario that we have inherited and have the expectation that it will work in adult life it wont.
This has become our crazy making scenario that we have inherited and have the expectation that it will work in adult life it wont.

With self-reflection on the totality of all on where our acting out behaviour might has come from that is, acknowledgement that our distur...

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